Department of Cyber Security

About Us

General Administration of Cybersecurity 

About the administration

To protect IT networks, systems, and their components including devices and software, as well as the services and data they provide, from unauthorized access, disruption, modification, intrusion, use, or exploitation. This includes information security, cyber security, digital security and similar matters.

The world today is intertwined with all its ways, styles, and details with the constantly evolving global networks, information technology systems, and operational technology systems. It has become a small interconnected global village where everyone interacts, communicates and shares information and ideas. Most of the basic life activities are interconnected with the dissemination of information, its security, and the integration of its systems. The world is preparing with this advancement for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is based on rapidly growing technologies in computational processing capabilities, massive data storage and exchange, and the ability to interact with artificial intelligence, robots, and self-controlled devices. This requires intelligent adaptation, the development of diverse qualitative capabilities, and alignment with cybersecurity requirements. The Islamic University, in cooperation with the National Cybersecurity Authority, recognizes these changes and their interactions with the developments of the age and its evolution. It is emulating the leadership approach in our country to be a successful and leading model in the world in all aspects, and to realize the 2030 vision, which has made the transition towards a digital world and the development of digital infrastructure, as well as realizing the importance of data, technological systems, and sensitive infrastructure and their relative administrative interests, and the importance of protecting them from any threats or risks witnessed in the cybersecurity space. With the establishment of the General Administration of Cybersecurity and its connection to the President of the University to preserve national security and interests, the Islamic University is ready to assume its responsibility and play a pioneering role in all fields, with the aim of contributing to the advancement of our country and its leadership position in the region and across the world.