Deanship of Student Affairs

Financial Affairs Unit, Deanship of Student Affairs


1- It receives requests from the Fund Committees for grants and loans and delivers them to students in cash or check.

2- It issues exchange orders and checks.

3- Receives applications for recruiting spouses for students.

4- Enters transaction data into the accounting program.

5- Organizes transactions and committees in accordance with instructions and regulations.

6- Follows up on late payments.

7- Transferring urgent aid students and disbursing their rewards.

8- Transferring new students’ applications and disbursing the advance to them.

9- Follows up on the operating expenses of the Fund Department.

10- Accepting the payment of advances and verifying them in principle.

11- It prepares the budget.

12- It disburses the salaries of the fund’s contractors, as well as the rewards of the treasurer and the accountant, in accordance with the approved instructions.

13- It disburses bonuses to student contractors with the activity in accordance with approved instructions.