Deanship of Admission and Registration

Arabic language level test (Aqfaa)

- The aim of the Arabic Language Proficiency Test (AKFA) is to determine the linguistic level of the student who is enrolling in studies, in order to determine the appropriate path for them in their studies: either the language learning path or the direct study path in the desired college.

- All students wishing to join the university from non-Arab countries must take the Arabic Language Proficiency Test, whether they apply for the scientific track or the theoretical track; and no student will be nominated if they do not take the test from non-Arab countries.

- The test is conducted remotely, through the designated link, according to the announced schedule and procedure.

- It is a requirement for direct acceptance into the theoretical track to obtain a score of (80) or higher in the AKFA test, and if they obtain a lower score, they will be directed to the language study track, and after completing it, they will be accepted into the college.

- There is no specific score requirement for acceptance into the scientific track in the AKFA test, but it is necessary for the student to take the test. If their level needs improvement in learning the Arabic language, they can join additional programs during their studies in college, and they can also join language study for a maximum of one year.

- Passing the Arabic Language Proficiency Test does not result in the exclusion or acceptance of anyone; it only aims to determine the suitable path for the student to enroll in their specialization or language track.

- After the student officially joins the study, his proficiency in the Arabic language is evaluated. If it is found that he has cheated in the language test by deliberately choosing wrong answers, allowing someone else to take the test on his behalf, or using translation programs or browser translation, he will be immediately disqualified and his acceptance will be revoked.